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A Few Words About Laser Hair Removal
Is unwanted, unsightly facial or body hair a problem? Then perhaps you should consider the many benefits of our laser hair removal service. It's a safe and effective way to achieve the results you want. To answer some of your questions, read through the information below.
How does the process work?
A laser light is passed through the skin and is absorbed by pigment in the hair follicle. The heat generated by the laser light both injures the follicles and inhibits future growth while leaving the skin unharmed.
What may I be asked before treatment?
A medical history will be taken to see if you have had any issues that may impact the procedure’s safety (i.e. keloid scarring, Accutane use, etc.) In addition, you'll be asked not to wax, pluck or tweeze for four weeks preceding the treatments, as doing so may reduce effectiveness -- though shaving should not affect the results.
What can I expect during treatment?
Laser light will be delivered through a hand-held wand attached to a laser console. You may experience a slight stinging sensation as the pulses are delivered. To reduce discomfort, the laser's cooling system automatically removes heat from the surface of your skin before, during and after the laser exposure. You may be offered a topical anesthetic cream for sensitive areas. The process can take from just a few minutes for an upper lip to several hours for a full back and leg treatment.
How many treatments will I need for hair removal?
Hair growth involves several cycles and not all are affected in a single treatment. Most are eliminated completely, but some will be replaced with finer hairs of lighter color. The number of treatments depends upon hair density, growth cycle and skin type, but the most common number is 5-6 treatments spaced four weeks apart. Most patients have seen up to 2 years with no re-growth following a normal course of treatment targeted to your hair type.
What can I expect after treatment?
The treatment area is cleansed and you can return to your normal routine. There may be a slight reddening around the hair follicles that usually disappears in a few minutes. You should avoid sun exposure or use a sun screen following treatment. Several days after treatment, the injured hairs will begin to fall out. It may seem that some hair continues to grow after the procedure, but many of these will also fall out. Those not eliminated permanently will be replaced with finer, lighter, less noticeable hair.